Chargement Evènements
Cet évènement est passé

Biodanza is a discipline which approaches individual’s potentials from different aspects of the identity. It is meant to promote affective rehabilitation, reeducation and life style healing, based on vivencias induced mainly by music, dance, voice and contact. In its broadest sense, it is a biology of existence. » Its purpose is to learn to dance life and have access to the joy of living.

It allows for the expression of identity by awakening transcendent conditions in people in such a way that they feel the link with the harmony of the universe. And in Toro’s vision of a human being integrated in the totality of the cosmic order, this is what living intelligence is about: “I think an essential definition of intelligence would be « the ability to establish affective connections with life and to relate personal identity to the identity of the Universe.”

We propose that this sort of intelligence may lead to wisdom seen as a continuing process of integration within us, with our fellow humans and with the creative forces of nature. « We are the message, the mirror of the cosmos. »

The archetypes are seen as the continuous flow of information that unifies each and every creature to these creative forces.

They can be activated by a specific application in Biodanza both for the facilitator and for the participants of the group. They generate a deep process of transformation through the genuine expression of what they are meant to speak for, as they are the “voice of the origin, beyond the limits of culture, life style and education.

This proposal will offer a synthesis of the concept of archetypes in Biodanza and keys for their activation in terms of movement, existential posture and relationships dynamics.

We will see what the lessons are of

  • the energetic archetypes with the YinYang energy
  • the psychomotor archetypes with the animals
  • the symbolic archetypes with the elements
  • and the mythical ones with the Gods and Goddesses.

This application in Biodanza is based on Rolando Toro Araneda’s approach, and has been developed in depth in the book “Learning with the Archetypes” (not yet translated into English – in French: “Pour une Pédagogie des Archétypes”.)

For any practical information about this workshop or training, for your registration, you are invited to contact the organizer directly, via telephone or e.mail. Please refer to ORGANISATEURS area on this page.
You may also wish to contact me directly for other information via the Contact Form